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Hello and welcome to my website! Thank you for your interest.


As you may have noticed from the homepage and comic section, this site serves two main purposes: to advertise my Go tutoring services and to share my comic art. However, at its core, this website is a hobby site.


I have a wide range of hobbies that I love sharing, including writing, blogging, art, photography, low-level programming, and, of course, Go. I created this website to share my passions and connect with others who have similar interests.


Thank you for visiting. Whether you're here for Go tutoring, to enjoy my comics, or to explore my other hobbies as I continue to build this site, I hope you have a great time.


(P.S I know this additional page is weird but I have had people ask me the purpose of my website and wanted to clarify it is at core purely a hobby website!)

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