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Website Update and Patreon Overhaul

Aug 23

2 min read

Hey everyone! I know many of you are eagerly awaiting Part 2 of "Nine Female Go Players Who Made History." Don’t worry that will be posted tomorrow night as promised. But before that, I wanted to share some important updates.

Profile Update Feature

I noticed that when people register on my website using their Google account (which is the fastest way to sign up), it automatically sets their first and last name as their username. Until now, there wasn’t a way to change that. To fix this, I’ve added a profile page where you can easily update your username.

At the top of the screen, you'll see a small icon or dropdown menu. From there, you can navigate to your profile and change your username. I understand that the layout on the profile page might seem a bit confusing. if I had the skills to improve it, I would. For now, just use the “Edit Profile” button on the banner image to update your username. This way, you don’t have to use your full name when responding to posts. I apologize for not having this feature available sooner.

Patreon Overhaul

I’ve also made some significant changes to my Patreon. Originally, it was focused solely on Go and teaching, but I realized that most of my students prefer to work with me directly rather than through Patreon, which makes sense. So, I’ve shifted the focus of my Patreon to support my creative work, including writing, art, streaming, and design.

Of course all of my content whether it’s articles, comic strips, or anything else—will remain free for everyone. The Patreon is simply a way for those who wish to support my work to do so, with some small rewards for patrons. You can find the Patreon link here or at the bottom of the website.

You can also subscribe to my Patreon for free! The main reason for this overhaul was to provide a way for people to stay updated on when I post new articles, comic strips, or make changes to the website. I know many of you follow me on Reddit, but I don’t post all my updates there, as I don’t want to spam every few days. By subscribing to my Patreon (for free), you’ll get 100% of my updates. And of course, if you want to support my work further, there are options for that too.

That is pretty much everything and I will go ahead and finish up the second part to the last article and get that shoved tomorrow for you guys. Glad you are all enjoying the content!


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